Definition Of Obtaining Knowledge
Information obtained without manipulation observation 1 procedures.
Definition of obtaining knowledge. Knowledge is the primary subject of the field of epistemology which studies what we know how we come to know it and what it means to know something. Information sources for clinical practice vary in dependability and validity. Observation or experience this may be more or less sophisticated ranging from a simple i saw to carefully designed controlled experimentation. According to quran knowledge comes from god and various habits encourage the acquisition of knowledge.
Knowledge is a complex multifaceted concept. To something like the metaphysical claim that what it is for s to know p is for some list of conditions involving s and p to obtain. Knowledge may originate or be derived from the following origins or methods. Erroneous attribution to transcendental realization b.
From greek ἐπιστήμη epistēmē knowledge and logy is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge epistemologists study the nature of knowledge epistemic justification the rationality of belief and various related issues epistemology is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy along with ethics. Methods for gathering empirical information i. Epistemology ɪ ˌ p ɪ s t ɪ ˈ m ɒ l ə dʒ i. A paroksh gyan it is second hand knowledge obtained from books hearing lectures etc.
The classical definition described but not ultimately endorsed by plato specifies that a statement must meet three criteria in order to be considered knowledge. Source and characteristics of knowledge i. Knowledge seems to be more like a way of getting at the truth. B aproksha gyan it is knowledge obtained by direct experiences.
Synonym discussion of knowledge. Direct empirical experience as the source of knowledge a. Knowledge definition acquaintance with facts truths or principles as from study or investigation. Synonyms other words for obtain knowledge antonyms opposite meaning for obtain knowledge.
Various methods of obtaining knowledge. Nursing has historically acquired knowledge through. A brief discussion of some alternative sources of evidence shows how research based information is different. Source of knowledge a.
The definition of knowledge is a matter of ongoing debate among epistemologists. Direct versus indirect source of knowledge 1. According to christianity knowledge is one of the seven gifts of the holy spirit. Knowledge of many things.
Knowledge definition is the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association.