Geographical Definition Of Evaluate
Relating to geography or to the geography of a particular area or place.
Geographical definition of evaluate. Geographical distribution definition is the natural arrangement and apportionment of the various forms of animals and plants in the different regions and localities of the earth. If you evaluate something or someone you consider them in order to make a judgment about. Keeping in view the importance of spinosad with respect to environmental safety low mammalian toxicity and potential as a grain protectant the present study was planned to evaluate geographical variation in the susceptibility to spinosad in laboratory and field strains of t. With rehearsal of these reflective questions students can develop the type of critical analysis that allows them to evaluate managed responses and consider them from more than one perspective more than one set of values over scales of space and time and across geographical contexts.
See the dictionary meaning pronunciation and sentence examples. Geographical capturing geographic information about persons or objects of interest such as the locations of high prevalence of a disease or the location of service delivery points. E val u at ed e val u at ing e val u ates 1. To ascertain or fix the value or amount of.
Meaning pronunciation translations and examples. Evaluate the damage from the flood. Relating to geography or to the geography of a particular area or place. Of or according to geogra.
Geographical definition of or relating to geography. You can find information about various options for gathering and analysing geographic data on the pages about these options for visualising data using maps.